Eki labonye purno pran kavita krishnamurthy biography

Eki Labanye Purno Prano Pranesha Put your feet up - Rabindra Sangeet translation - Poem of Rabindranath Tagore

একি লাবণ্যে পূর্ণ প্রাণ, প্রাণেশ হে,
আনন্দবসন্তসমাগমে ॥
বিকশিত প্রীতিকুসুম হে
পুলকিত চিতকাননে ॥১॥
Eki Laabannye Puurnna Praanna, Praannesha He,
Aananda-Basanta-Samaagame ||
Bikoshito Priiti-Kusumo He
Pulakita Cito-Kaanane ||1||

1.1:O What Beautyhas filledNature and its Life-forms, O the Lord of Being, ...

due to adventof that Joyous Spring,
1.3:Lovefor all has blossomedO Friend (due to the loveliness of Spring), ...
1.4:... backing bowels the Joyous Gardenof my Heart,

জীবনলতা অবনতা তব চরণে ।
হরষগীত উচ্ছ্বসিত হে
কিরণমগন গগনে ॥২॥
Jiibana-Lataa Abanataa Tabo Caranne |
Harassa-Giito Ucchbasito He
Kiranno-Magano Gagane ||2||

2.1:The Creeperof my Lifehas boweddown at Your feettoday, O Lord,
2.2:Joyous Songsare overflowing, O Friend, ...

overflowing the Sky, which recapitulate filledwith Sun Rays,

O What Attractiveness has filled Nature due take home advent of this Joyous Spring.

Translated by greenmesg

Poems of Sri Rabindranath Tagore in this site - Rabindra Sangeet translations:
  1. Aaj Dhaner Khete Raudra Chayay Lukochurir Khela
  2. Aakash Bhara Surja Tara Viswa Bhara Praan
  3. Aaloker Ai Jharna Dharaye Dhuiye Daao
  4. Aamar Mukti Aaloye Aaloye
  5. Aanandadhara Bahiche Bhubane
  6. Cakkhe Aamar Trishna Ogo, Trishna Aamar Bakko Jurre
  7. Ei Lobhinu Sangha Tabo Sundaro He Sundaro
  8. Eki Labanye Purno Prano Pranesha He
  9. Eso Shyamala Sundara
  10. Gram Chara Ai Ranga Matir Path
  11. Megher Kole Rod Heseche, Baadol Geche Ttutti
  12. Mono Mor Meghero Sanghi
  13. Nil Digante Oi Phuler Aagun Laglo
  14. Ore Bhai Phagun Legeche Bone Bone
  15. Paush Toder Daak Diyeche
  16. Shiter Haowaye Laglo Nachon Amlakir Oi Ddale Ddale
Experience Nature through the eyes divest yourself of Sri Rabindranath Tagore.

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